When someone is injured due to the negligence of another party, it can result in life-altering injuries and chronic pain. As a result, they may suffer a loss of enjoyment of life. Though it can be nearly impossible to put a price tag on happiness, you can receive compensation for the emotional damages you’ve suffered due to another party’s negligence. The following blog explores what you must know and how a Tom Green County, Texas personal injury lawyer can help you fight for damages.
What Does Loss of Enjoyment of Life Mean in a Personal Injury Case?
When injured in an incident like a car crash, you may discover that your quality of life has decreased as a result. This is because you may be unable to do the activities you were capable of before the injury occurred. These activities include speaking, loss of sensation (sight, hearing, tasting, etc.), a shortened life expectancy, or the inability to enjoy social activities, among other things. Similarly, you may suffer chronic pain that decreases your quality of life.
If you suffer emotional damages, like anxiety or depression, that can also impact your quality of life. Because of these issues, it can severely inhibit your ability to function normally.
How Are These Damages Determined?
To prove this, the courts will consider how old and healthy you are before awarding damages. They will also consider what you have had to give up because of your injury. For example, if you are a college athlete who can no longer play sports due to the injuries you sustained after being struck by a drunk driver, it is likely that the court will understand the impact not being able to play a sport can have.
Similarly, doctors can speak on behalf of the injuries you endured, like the pain you suffer on a daily basis. If you suffer chronic migraines as a result of an incident, a medical professional can verify that the pain prevents you from doing anything other than laying in a dark room, for example.
If the court agrees you have suffered a loss of enjoyment because you can no longer do the things you were able to do before an injury, it is likely you will receive financial compensation. These are separate awards from things like medical bills and damage to property, which are considered economic as they are quantifiable. The loss of enjoyment of life are considered “non-economic” damages, as they are subjective.
When you are suffering due to the negligence of another party, ensuring you receive the compensation you are entitled to is vital. At the Mathis Law Firm, we will do everything possible to help you while you focus on healing. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you through this process.